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Everyday Health Pregnancy Tips & Ideas

Easy Ways to Find Your Pregnancy Groove

Pregnancy is an epic time in a woman’s life especially with a first pregnancy.  With all the advice and recommendations from well-meaning friends and family, remember this is your pregnancy and it will be unique to who you are. Don’t get caught up in comparing your experience to those of your friends.  Though pregnancy can be difficult at times and you may not always be feeling your best, find ways to enjoy this special time and prepare for your sweet baby. Here are a few tips to help you find your groove and enjoy your pregnancy:

Capture the Memories.  

Book a pregnancy photographer and have maternity shots taken (6 months is a great time to do this) and start a pregnancy journal or blog (you can turn your blog into a book later for your child). Document your feelings, fears, excitement, and the changes you’re going through.  Although the 9 months sometimes seems to go on forever, the time does go fast and before you know it pregnancy will be a distant memory.

Enjoy the Preparations.  

Have fun shopping and prepping for your baby and your baby’s room.  Involve your friends and family and let them give you a hand.  Enjoy this time with your partner and consider a “baby moon” getaway before the baby arrives.

Take Time for Yourself.  

Soon enough, your time will be divided by your many new responsibilities.  So while you can, focus on yourself and this special time in your life.  Try and fit in exercise as it helps keep you healthy and reduces stress.  Try a pregnancy yoga class and meet other soon-to-be moms, or book a pregnancy massage.

You’re the Expert of Your Pregnancy.  

Once pregnant, everybody seems to have something to say about what you should or should not do with yourself and your baby.  So, while getting advice from friends, family and experts can help you along the way, keep in mind you need to do what’s best for you.  Take the advice that makes sense to you and take the rest with a grain of salt.  This will ultimately leave you happier and less stressed.

Give Up Unrealistic Expectations Now.  

Preparing mentally and having realistic expectations is the first step toward enjoying your pregnancy.  Let go of how you “think” your pregnancy should be and how you “should” be as a parent.  Once you realize that so much of this is out of your hands, you’ll find yourself enjoying your pregnancy more.

Keep Track of Records From Your Doctor Visits. 

Use information from your doctor visits and any records they provide as they will give you plenty of material to start your baby book.  Many moms enjoy scrapbooking and blogging about their pregnancy and birth experience to share with their family and children when they get older.  Kids love to hear about their birth story and see pictures of mommy and with them even before they were born.  This also helps increase the bond between moms and kids.  

Make this time special and create your own fairytale experience!


About contributor:
Jennifer Chung is a parenting expert and co-founder of part parenting community, part online health record. Kinsights provides parents with a safe place to seek answers to their questions while also helping them track their child’s health information. Organize your child’s growth and developmental milestones, immunizations, medications, allergies, and more.  Connect with Kinsights at
to learn more and sign-up! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter (@kinsights).



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