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10 Reasons Why Memberships are Totally Worth It

There are an amazing amount of activities available for families and children throughout every State. Whether it be the Zoo, the Children’s Museum, a Train Museum, or a Science Museum- a membership is definitely something to look into!

Most fun places allow you to buy admission and then when you are done visiting you have the option to use the money that you spent on that day’s admission towards a membership. This is a great option; especially if it is your first time visiting and you want to feel out the zoo or museum before committing to a year-long membership.

I personally look at memberships for my child’s fun activities as an investment!

Saves you money in the long run

Taking a whole family to the zoo or museum definitely begins to add up! Yes, if you think you are going to only visit the park once a membership would not exactly the best way to save money. But, there is a definite chance that you will want to take your kiddos to the zoo more than one time in a year! Most memberships pay for themselves in two visits!

I am all about saving money, and yes it may seem like a good chunk in the beginning but it is definitely worth it when you are planning on visiting more than once. If you have children under three years old, most places allow free admission for them! So, technically you only need a membership to cover you and a significant other- allowing you to save money.

Educational Experiences

This is the most important reason why memberships are so worth it in my eyes. Memberships totally allow you to take full advantage of what the park has to offer. I love taking my son to the zoo and bring an animal book that he can flip through as we go from animal to animal. This is the perfect opportunity for him to begin to learn his animals.

As children get older, there are always new experiences that different parks have to offer. A membership opens many doors to different experiences.

Extra activities included

I love taking full advantage of all the museums and zoos have to offer. Many people are unaware of all of the extra classes and opportunities available to membership holders. Where I live there is a children’s museum that my son and I love to visit. The museum is awesome especially because they offer toddler classes (educational such as shapes, numbers, alphabet, theatre, art, and so much more.)

These classes are all included in the membership! They also offer cooking classes and a few more activates where members get a “membership discount.” Zoos even offer activities like this. It is definitely worth looking into!

Able to go whenever

Having a membership definitely provides more flexibility for when you want to go out for an outing. I love being able to last minute pack a lunch and head to the zoo! It does not matter what day or what time I can go. It makes it easy for a spontaneous outing here and there.

Some bigger places may have “member only” days also, which are nice and less busy! It never hurts to look at the zoo or museums weekly calendar to see what events they have going on.

Discounts to other zoo’s and museums

This is one of the coolest perks of having a membership. If you really look into having a membership there is usually a list of other zoos that will give you entrance discounts if you hold a membership for any other out of state memberships. Who would have thought! Entrance fees definitely add up so why not take advantage and get a discount into a different park all because you have a membership to another park?

Even if you do not know for sure if a discount is available, it never hurts to ask and see where and if it could be applied.

Discounts on products within the Zoo or Museum

This is a great little feature that goes along with having a membership. There is usually a 10-20% discount that can be applied to either food, gift shop merchandise, or even classes/ events that is applied when you have a membership. Every little bit helps and why not take advantage of that?

I usually like to pack my own lunches for me and my son when we have our outings but it is definitely fun to get a little treat here and there and there is no problem with taking total advantage of your year membership!


Great place to take family and friends

This is another reason why having a membership is so convenient. Some places even offer a few guest-passes for you to use when you have more people in your party than your membership covers! When I get a membership I usually like to pick the option to have two adults (my name on the card and I do not put a second adult name so that why I can have options on who can come with me and be covered!) this way I can bring a friend or my sister or a significant other.

Then I pick an option that allows, usually, 4 children to enter under the pass. My son is still under three years old so he gets free admission to most places but it is nice to be able to bring more children along. Whether it be friends’ or cousins’.

Take advantage of the nice weather

Another perk about having a membership is having the ability to take advantage of the nice weather. It also changes up your routine! I love when there’s a 75-degree sunny day and my son and I spend the day at the zoo.

We also love to go to the museum when it is either too hot or too cold out. Having a membership allows you to take advantage of any type of weather getting out of the house! It is the perfect way to have a change of scenery.

Take advantage of the different holiday events that are offered

Now, this is definitely something to take advantage of. Many Zoos offer holiday fun! Whether it be for Halloween or Christmas, there are plenty of things to do! Everything from Zoolights to “Boo” at the Zoo. It is a great way to get into the Holiday spirit.

Check your Children’s Museum also! The museum we usually go to offer many fun holiday crafts throughout the year. This is a fun way to help educate young children about all the different holidays!

Growth as an individual through all ages

There is nothing better than hands-on learning for your children. I am a huge advocate for children being outdoors and learning first hand. Life gets busy so definitely take advantage of going to the zoo and museum when your baby or toddler is young.

Yes, reading books is an amazing way to help your child’s growth so why not take those reading a step further? I love reading a story to my son before we go and do something. This allows him to apply what we have read to the real world.

These are just some of the few positive reasons why to invest in memberships of some kind! It allows you to visit the different parks at any time you want and in the end, you are saving money.

When looking into a membership of your choosing, make sure to keep in mind how many adults and children you want to put on the pass. Some places even allow you to add a grandparent pass for a slightly extra cost, if not free! Remember, it never hurts to ask what benefits come with purchasing a membership! Have fun and enjoy this time out with your children.



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