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2016 Holiday Product Review: Homido Grab Virtual Reality Headset

If you are in search of something inexpensive that is great for your young child or even something the whole family can enjoy, look no further.

We tested out the Homido Grab for the holiday season and found it to be the perfect gift, suitable for many ages. It is very simple to use and creates quite an experience with the numerous amount of apps you can download. We are very interested in things like astronomy and science, so those are the first kind of apps we downloaded. There are also some that are a little more thrilling and what you would expect from a virtual reality headset, like roller coaster rides. 

The Homido Grab is easily available at your local Target and for purchase online. You can buy one for each child without breaking the bank. 

It is compact and lightweight, so that smaller children can easily handle it. It has a wide range of view, more than 100 degrees. And there is a button on top of the headset to maneuver you through any action required to get through the process.

Add it under your tree or even as a stocking stuffer and you are sure to provide easy entertainment for your family while you enjoy the holidays.




**We were given product in exchange for the review. All opinions are my own.


Wendy is a facebook administrator and editor for Modern Day Moms. She is a multi-purpose mom (aren’t we all, really?) who loves home decor, couponing, sewing, photography, Pinterest, frugal living… ok, pretty much all the same things that most women love! She enjoys spending time with her family and friends while living on the gulf coast. Her two Boston Terriers - Oscar and Lily - occasionally make appearances on MDM.



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