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Slip Pure Silk Pillowcase Review

You might be wondering what a pillowcase has to do with improving and refining choices in your life that help to create a healthier you.

Well, let me tell you…

This pillow case is made of 100% silk, which is a natural fiber. It breathes and is a natural temperature regulator. What I mean by breathes is that it is aerated, which means it allows airflow through it. It won’t aid in clogging your pores so it promotes healthier skin. Also, it doesn’t grab your hair and twist it at the root while you sleep like cotton does. Because it is a smoother surface, it doesn’t grab and press your skin, causing wrinkles/creasing.

The reason I sought this pillow for a review is because I have noticed deepening wrinkles at the tops of my cheekbones. When I woke up every day, I knew it had to do with my sleep because they were more prominent at that time. They would often soften as the day went by, but over time, I know it will continue to worsen. I was looking for something that would help with this and that is when Slip entered my life!

I have been using it for several days now and have already noticed a HUGE improvement! After the first night, the wrinkles weren’t as bad as they had been. After just three nights, they were almost non-existent when I woke up.

And my hair? All I’ve had to do was run my fingers through it just to give it a little volume and “do” it.

I haven’t had any kind of small bumps on my jawline like I sometimes get after sleeping on my pillow for a bit. I really can’t wait to see what it’s like after using it for an extended period of time! With these amazing results, I will never use cotton for my pillowcase again.

So, that is what a pillowcase has to do with improving your health. As we age, we do everything we can to live healthier and make better lifestyle choices. The Slip Pure Silk Pillowcase is one that you need to add to your list.


Wendy is a facebook administrator and editor for Modern Day Moms. She is a multi-purpose mom (aren’t we all, really?) who loves home decor, couponing, sewing, photography, Pinterest, frugal living… ok, pretty much all the same things that most women love! She enjoys spending time with her family and friends while living on the gulf coast. Her two Boston Terriers - Oscar and Lily - occasionally make appearances on MDM.



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