Arts & Crafts DIY Must Read Seasonal

DIY Bone Wreath Halloween Decor

Halloween is coming up soon, and time to decorate is near! I know some people have already started, so I wanted to show you something I made for my front door this year to replace my coastal-inspired wreath. It’s a very easy DIY and you will wind up with a pretty wicked wreath that will have your neighbors doing double-takess. 

First, I purchased a bag of bones from Walmart for $9.88. To attach the parts, I decided to use Liquid Nails, also at Walmart for $2-3. 

I laid out my bones and started putting them together to shape my wreath and work it all together.


I squirted small gobs of liquid nails on the areas I knew would be coming into contact with the other parts. First, I put the large bones together. I let them dry for an hour or two then began to put on one or two parts at a time. If you purchase the instant grab liquid nails, you can probably attach the parts and not have to worry about shifting, but I wasn’t thinking ahead. 


Walmart has some really cool barbed wire looking string that you could use to hang your wreath from or you could use a Hallowen themed ribbon, but I just used jute twine and attached it by hooping around one of the bones. If your wreath hangs funny, you could purchase small magnets from the craft store and attach them to the back and stick it to your door. If your door isn’t metal, then they can act as weights to help weigh down one side of your wreath. I am thinking of finding other items to add to mine to give it a more rounded appearance…maybe some more bones or other scary goodies!

That’s pretty much it! Easy Halloween decor for your front door!


Wendy is a facebook administrator and editor for Modern Day Moms. She is a multi-purpose mom (aren’t we all, really?) who loves home decor, couponing, sewing, photography, Pinterest, frugal living… ok, pretty much all the same things that most women love! She enjoys spending time with her family and friends while living on the gulf coast. Her two Boston Terriers - Oscar and Lily - occasionally make appearances on MDM.



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