Arts & Crafts DIY Favorites

DIY Crafts: DIY Dress with Endless Possibilities

Welcome to our DIY Crafts series! This series is focused on crafts that we have done, crafts that we will do and crafts that others have done that we feel deserve the “Craft Spotlight”. You can view all of the DIY Crafts by visiting our DIY and Arts & Crafts section.

Hey, Ali here. I am pretty excited about today’s craft spotlight.

The craft that I’m sharing with you today is one that I find myself making all the time.

This dress is cute. It’s really cute.

The endless possibilities when it comes to fabric, colors, style, length. Have fun with it.

Craft Spotlight: DIY Dress | A Small Snippet

A Small Snippet shows us how to make an adorable dress with easy-to-use instructions and pictures.

You can see the original blog post here:

She says:

I originally found this brilliant idea here and was instantly motivated to try it.

I did, however, change up some things along the way, such as making a long maxi dress, and one other thing in particular that will prevent a massive headache, so I’ll go ahead and post a tutorial here for you to see.

I took the following pictures for the tutorial as I was sewing the long dress. I will make a note in each step where there is something different to do for the short dress.

first things first…gather your supplies.

all you need is a ribbed tank top and some coordinating fabric and thread. how cheap is that??

you’ll also need some elastic thread, but we’ll get to that.

Read more and see how she does it on her blog. Stay tuned because in the next few weeks, I will be sharing a project you won’t want to miss.

Thanks for stopping by! If you’ve recently done a craft you want us to feature, let us know.

Source: Original | Source: A Small Snippet


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