Arts & Crafts DIY Everyday Seasonal

DIY Dog Food Can

I have been trying to create a station in my house that holds all dog related items and can keep it all hidden. I do not have a garage to use so I have their food and everything in the house. I’m going to be working on finding either a buffet or armoire to convert into the dog station. In the meantime, I have at least created something to store the food in that isn’t hideous and obvious like a big 20 lb. bag of dog food is.

These dog food tins have become ever-so popular in the Pinterest community. I’ve seen them in stores anywhere from $25-40 for an average sized one. The one I have is a popcorn tin saved from Christmas. You can find empty tins in hardware stores as well, but you might wind up spending as much as you would purchasing a dog food tin already made.

This tin cost me $5. I also bought a can of 1-2-3 primer in spray form and a grey spray paint. The tin letter is from Hobby Lobby, purchased when it was marked 50% off, making it only $1.50. I also added in a handle, that I found in the hardware section at Walmart. So, I have roughly $16 invested in this, but if you have paint laying around, it might not cost as much for you.

First, spray your can with the primer. I curled a poster board on the inside so there wasn’t any overspray. Let this dry for a couple of days just to insure that it is dry and won’t peel off when you adhere painters tape. 

Next, tape up your lines for the gray area adding paper to cover the white that you don’t want sprayed.

Remove your tape and let it dry well. Adhere your tin letter and handle with Insta-grab (found in the caulking section). As a tip, you might want to sand down where the lid will slide onto the tin so that there isn’t a lot of resistance when you try removing it later. You don’t want your handle to come off. Or you can do without the handle and avoid the worry and save even more money!

Whatever you choose, the outcome will be a cute way to store your dog (or cat) food!





Wendy is a facebook administrator and editor for Modern Day Moms. She is a multi-purpose mom (aren’t we all, really?) who loves home decor, couponing, sewing, photography, Pinterest, frugal living… ok, pretty much all the same things that most women love! She enjoys spending time with her family and friends while living on the gulf coast. Her two Boston Terriers - Oscar and Lily - occasionally make appearances on MDM.



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