Arts & Crafts Celebrations DIY Holidays

DIY Halloween Banner

Halloween is coming up soon, but there is still plenty of time to make this festive banner! It is so easy and inexpensive to make. Here is how:

You will need the following items:

  • felt (as wide as you want your triangles)
  • sticky letters
  • acrylic paint
  • creepy cloth
  • jute rope or yarn
  • sewing machine or fabric adhesive



The jute and felt were purchased at Joann. The paint was from walmart. The letters were purchased at Hobby Lobby in the scrapbooking section and are made by Momenta. And finally, the creepy cloth was purchased at Dollar Tree.

First, lay your letter on the felt and cut your triangle to size around it. Remember , you will be folding the top part over, so you will need a little extra there.

Once you have them all cut, lay them on some paper to prepare for the paint. Mix equal parts paint to water ratio so that it drips easily. I also did it like this to mute the orange a little so it didn’t distract from the letters. Dip your brush and splatter it onto your felt pieces. Allow it to fully dry.





Aren’t these letters wicked?! Look at how they change colors when you move by them.


Once they are all dry, fold your triangle top over your jute and sew (or adhere). Make sure the jute is all the way over so that you don’t sew it. You want to be able to slide them.

**Make sure that you sew all the triangles facing the same direction when you add them.



Once they are all on, you can trim the edges that are sticking out. Just make sure you don’t clip your jute.


Tie loops in the ends and you are done!! So easy!



Wendy is a facebook administrator and editor for Modern Day Moms. She is a multi-purpose mom (aren’t we all, really?) who loves home decor, couponing, sewing, photography, Pinterest, frugal living… ok, pretty much all the same things that most women love! She enjoys spending time with her family and friends while living on the gulf coast. Her two Boston Terriers - Oscar and Lily - occasionally make appearances on MDM.



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