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DIY Everyday Reviews

DIY Mala Kits

I grew up in a very traditional Christian household. I was the daughter of a preacher and anyone familiar with that life knows the amount of stress that can entail. For much of my life I struggled with the concept of a traditionalism in the church, and though much of it resonated with me. I always felt there was so much more to explore and I am brace in the world.

I always thought my 20s was the time for me to explore who I really was, but not long into my 20s I met the love of my life and we got married and started a family. Not that I completely put myself on the back burner, but raising a child and also starting a new business was a task that left little time for exploring new concepts.

Now in my 30s, and two children in tow, I feel like I have finally settled into enough routine to give the attention that I deserve to gift to myself.

This included a little bit of an awakening to some more New Age concepts that I have found strength in and have helped me immensely in dealing with my daily life. Without having to entirely turn my back on my own religious upbringing I have found many things that complement my own personal beliefs like The power of positive thinking, the energy in our environment and things like symbols and crystals, and most recently the Mala.

Mala, or prayer beads are quite common in some cultures and very foreign and others. It wasn’t until I found Andrea Kelly Designs that I was really introduced to this idea. Andrea puts together DIY Mala kits where you can choose the supplies to make your own unique and special Mala. Traditionally with 108 beads, they can be used in actual prayer, a positive affirmation can be assigned to the jewelry, or you can even hang it in your rearview mirror as a reminder to stay focused on the good.




I don’t spend much time on this blog sharing religious beliefs or thoughts as I believe they are highly individual and personal and each person I meet is on their own journey and in their own way. I do however think that something like a Mala can be what you needed to be at any time. Maybe it’s just a beautiful piece of jewelry, maybe it’s a reminder to love yourself, maybe you will use it in your own spiritual journey, or perhaps it would make a great gift for someone you love.

Whatever the case, the Mala chooses you, and not the other way around. Andrea Kelly Designs allows you to directly be a part of the process making something that is both unique and special in a convenient kit, she offers DIY Mala Kits that you can do with friends or by yourself. It’s for you to assign the meaning to, and whatever you choose I’m sure will be exactly how it is intended to be. I chose the labradorite mala kit and I LOVE it.

Modern Day Moms

Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.



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