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Easy Ways To Avoid Crazy Mornings With Kiddos

Oh man, the hectic morning rush. We’ve all been there. And one thing we know- it’s far from fun. The only plus side to rushing around like a crazy person, in order to get your family out the door on time, is the satisfaction of making it happen. But even then, your head is left swirling around, wondering why this happens more often than necessary.

Yeah, it’s never fun. Not to mention it’s such a bummer to start the day off that way. We’re left feeling slightly guilty for sending our kids off the school in a rush, and our days start off hectic. We want some smooth wind in these morning sails! And not to say each morning is a wild ride, but we definitely feel it when it happens. It’s safe to say them remanence of those mornings never feel good and can leave your heart rate feeling a little off the wall.

So, even though there’s no magic button that can make every hectic morning disappear, there are definitely approaches that can be taken to keep them for happening as often. While most of them sound like total common sense- they’ll all a great reminder of the steps we can take to a smoother morning routine. Let’s check the simple steps that will lead to smooth sailing:

Begin The Night Before

After the end of a long day, sometimes the last thing we want to do is prep for tomorrow. But if you take that little bit of extra time to get things in order, you’ll wake up happy you did. For example, by having your kiddos get their clothes picked out and ready the night before, and having their lunches and backpacks good to go; you’ll have a guaranteed jumpstart on your morning.


This goes deeper than just the night before. Think ahead of schedule. Plan out what the week will look like with lunches, breakfasts, homework, outfits, etc… if you have your kitchen stocked up, laundry ready, and clean areas set up for homework, you’ll automatically be sending a smooth breeze into those morning sails.

Rise Before The Rest

Greet your day before the rest of your family wakes up. This will give you a chance to get your head on straight and get things rolling before the whole gang is on the move. Plus, that added alone time in the morning is really helpful and can make for a peaceful morning.

Allow Room For Error

This falls back on pre-planning. But if your kitchen is stocked up and laundry is done, there’s normally always a backup plan for spilled food, messed up clothes and no time for breakfast. There’s a reason why someone created easy, on-the-go options. And hey, when all else fails, the kids wear a dirty shirt and eat school lunch. It happens.

Stick To A Schedule

The morning alone is like a day in itself. There’s a beginning, middle, and end. It’s probably the shortest time of your entire day, but there seems to be a lot of tasks to tackle within those moments.
Which is why sticking to a morning schedule is best. Find a time frame and pattern that works for you, and when you find it- hold it close and never let go. Really though, those smooth sailing mornings are golden. You might even find yourself with a few extra minutes to spare.

Keep Calm

There’s no need to add fuel to the fire. If your morning is already moving at a hectic rate, it’s better to keep your cool and let things move as smoothly as possible. Your head will have a better chance to stay clear, and kids are more likely to respond in a calm atmosphere vs. crazy chaos. Again, we’ve all been there. Which is exactly why this is a good thing to keep in mind once those wild mornings take place.

Cut Out Distractions

Save your reading for later, and let the Barbie playing or race car driving happen after school. Unless the entire morning has played out magically and there’s plenty of time to spare; any extra distractions can lead to running out the door late which is the last thing we want.

Create A Checklist

In the midst of gathering yourself, your kids, and completing any other morning tasks- it’s completely normal to forget a few things along the way. And that’s why creating a morning checklist is a great idea. Checking off a list can give you the peace of mind that you are good to head out the door; leaving nothing behind.

On any given day, mornings can be crazy. When you throw kids in the mix it is a whole new game. Keeping these easy reminders on hand can ease those wild mornings, and keep you smooth sailin’.



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