
Father’s Day Framed Art

I know you are probably seeing lots of ideas floating around Facebook and Pinterest for Father’s Day. This one touched my heart and felt so personal to me and something that would stick around forever. I felt it would be a constant reminder of how important we are to our children and the impact that we have simply by being in their lives. Some do not have fathers in their lives – as Modern Day Dads would tell you – and he certainly has learned what kind of father NOT to be.

This idea resonated with me. It felt like it would send a powerful message to my husband for Father’s Day.

And it’s easy to make. You can find any poem that feels personal to you or even write your own. 

All you need to do is print out your poem with a border. I chose a typewriter font. You could also use a child-like font if you want to make it look more child-like.

I used an 11″X17″ frame from Walmart. I bought a piece of burlap that was 1/3 yd. I cut out my burlap to the size of the frame. Use the print that comes in the frame as your guide. Lay it down on a piece of newspaper. Get some black acrylic paint and paint some on the bottom of your child’s feet, but be careful not to gob it on or go too light.

Have your child sit in a low rise seat in front of the burlap. Hold their ankles above the burlap where you want them positioned and have your child slowly come to a standing position. Have them stand for just a couple of seconds without wiggling then have them sit back down.

Clean their feet with a wet paper towel. 

Attach the poem above (or below or in between) the footprints with masking tape. Once the footprints are dry, insert your art in the frame and close it up. All done!!







Wendy is a facebook administrator and editor for Modern Day Moms. She is a multi-purpose mom (aren’t we all, really?) who loves home decor, couponing, sewing, photography, Pinterest, frugal living… ok, pretty much all the same things that most women love! She enjoys spending time with her family and friends while living on the gulf coast. Her two Boston Terriers - Oscar and Lily - occasionally make appearances on MDM.



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