As a new mom I’ve spent countless hours just gazing at my son often wishing I knew what he was thinking; there have also been moments where staring into his red, puffy screaming face that I wished desperately I knew what he wanted. Luckily for me my super-duper mother- in- law passed along the book Your Baby is Speaking to You written by Dr. Kevin Nugent and Abelardo Morell.
This book is incredible and a must for first time parents. Your Baby is Speaking to You is a visual guide to the amazing behaviors of your newborn and growing baby. Taken from the book cover:
” From an international expert on infant-parent communication, Your Baby is Speaking to You is destined to become a parenting classic. Through intimate access to babies and their families Dr. Kevin Nugent and the acclaimed photographer Abelardo Morell capture the amazingly precocious communication strategies babies demonstrate from the moment they are born. Your Baby is Speaking to You illustrates the full range of behaviors- early smiling and startling, feeding and sleeping, listening to your voice and recognizing your face. The newest research-including information on subtle and fleeting behaviors not seen or explained in any other book-illuminates the meaning of the things babies do that concern and delight new parents:
-The language of yawning
-The rich range of cries, and how to understand their meaning
-Baby’s earliest “sleep smiles” and sleep states, and what they signify
-Baby’s highly developed sense of touch
Your Baby is Speaking to You delivers the information parents crave in a gentle, accessibly style, while giving parents the confidence they need to response to their own baby’s way of communication during the first astonishing days of life and the months beyond.”
The basis of this book is that babies do indeed come with a owner’s manual and by tuning into their subtle cues we as caregivers can more effectively respond to and care for our little ones. Stunning black and white photography paired with scientific observations of babies facial expressions and sounds offer a roadmap to decoding our babies, giving us the tools we need to learn their unique preferences, needs and expectations.
This book has helped me in countless ways. As us mamas know you eventually learn to distinguish babies cries from pain, hunger, boredom etc…but this book helps offer up cues to babies wants long before a cry is reached. Is your baby overstimulated, focused intently on learning, enjoying your gaze and interaction or finding it all just too much? By watching the movements, eyes and even the corners of our babies mouths we can more easily enjoy, troubleshoot and provide the best environment possible for our littles.
Check out this video for a taste of what this book has to offer:
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Megan Gallt
14 years agoThis looks super interesting I would definitely enjoy reading this. I love learning as much as I can on how to communicate with my little one!
melinda sheets
14 years agoVery interesting! I would love to learn what my triplets are saying!
Courtney Haney
14 years agoI would LOVE to read this book! Oh how I would love to know what my little one is saying!
Guinevere Sande
14 years agoI would love to get this book! Brielle is so expressive, it would be great to know more about what she is “saying” :)
Angela Goff
14 years agoI think this book would be incredibly helpful and informative for any parent, and I would love it!
Steph Boushee
14 years agoThis book sounds awesome, I love to read. And with a new baby due in May this would be very helpful :-)
14 years agoMy daughter is almost 6 months and such a go go go baby. I love looking at her and wondering what she’s trying to communicate. I’ve read other reviews on this book and we would love this addition to our growing baby library!