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New Year’s Party Ideas for Younger Children

You’re a mom. You would love to go out on New Year’s like the old days, but you know that ship has sailed. You’re ready to make new memories with your little ones and welcome in the new year.

Well, these are some wonderful ideas that you can do with your little children on new year’s eve!

Make it a Ball!

Watch the Ball Fall in New York from the comfort of your own home, but don’t stop there, buy fun hats and glasses to welcome in this year. You can get your 2019 party supplies, and make fun snacks like pretzels and popcorn a part of your New Year’s Eve celebration.

If you have much smaller children that can’t eat those snacks, simply sing New Year’s songs and Winter songs while waiting for the ball to fall.

Masquerade it!

Tired of the usual new year’s eve garb? You don’t want those glasses mentioned above or the top hats. That’s okay. Get the kids wearing masquerade masks. Have a New Year’s Eve Masquerade that is children appropriate.

Make it fun with dancing and make a ball to drop of your own when the clock strikes the New Year. Kids love dressing up and changing things up this year will be so much fun. You will make tons of great memories.

Look Back!

Welcome in the New Year by saying goodbye to the old one. Have a mini feast with mini hot dogs and other fantastic snacks. Talk about your highlights from this last year and things you plan to do in the new year together. Make a list and place it on your fridge so you can remember the good things about this year and remember what you want to do for next year.

Make a New Year’s Eve Box. You can either use wood or other materials to make a box together as a family. Make sure it says New Year’s Eve somewhere on it. Have fun designing it or give each family member enough materials to make their own individual New Year’s Eve Box. Then explain the rules.

Once the clock sets in on the New Year you can start writing fun things that happen to you every day throughout the new year. Make sure if you have a community box that you make the children and yourself include your name or initials on each piece of paper or card you put in the box. Then on the Next New Year’s Eve have fun reading all of them and reminiscing over the next year. Repeat for the following year.

This one I have to say is a lot of fun! As long as everyone in the family can take this project seriously and put all good things throughout the year in the box, next New Year’s Eve you will have a blast laughing together.

Movie Night!

Instead of just waiting around for the ball and watching the entertainment on the television. Have each family member pick one movie they loved from this year. It has to be a movie that came out in the current year. Then watch each movie in the order of youngest to oldest in the room. This should be started in the evening so you can still do your New Year’s Eve countdown.

The Toast!

The Toast is a special part of New Year’s Eve. This can be tricky with kids, but I would recommend you do one of the above activities and then at Midnight you make a toast to the New Year. Give the kids grape juice or sparkling water. Something comparable that they will love as much as you love wine or Champagne.

Your kids will love this and you will too because even moms deserve a drink!

Bake It!

Finally, make it a baking night. While some people choose to bake special Christmas cookies on or before Christmas my family always made a traditional dessert from our heritage together. For my mother and I, it was Lefse a Norwegian dessert from our Norwegian and Swedish background. For you, it might be something as simple as an clair.

Either way, it’s a fun way to bring in a tradition and remember where your family came from. It also always made me happy for New Year’s Eve even when I was older.



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