They can be too squirrelly. They can be too Hollywood. They can be too cranky. Sometimes it’s tough to capture that beautiful look on your kid’s face that you’ve seen a hundred times before. Here are a handful of tricks we use to get vibrant, emotional & real images of our youngest clients.
Get low.
Kids are cute. Especially yours. Even the tops of their heads. But trust us on this one, photos of your kids are oh-so-much sweeter when you bend your knees a little and get down to their level. There will be times when you don’t have time to get low. There will be times when the shot is better from above. More often than not though, you’ll get better results when you’re eye to eye with the prize.
Let them be.
Cheese is better served with wine. At first, your kids might dish out a few “aren’t I supposed to” CHEESE moments. But after a bit, they’ll forget about you. So, let them be. Let them play. Let them sit. Let them do whatever it is they’re doing once they forget about you. Those are the photos that give life to their little personalities.
Get outside or by some nice big windows.
Photography is all about light. If there isn’t enough of it or it’s not too pretty wherever you are, go find the good stuff. The warmest & prettiest light happens just after dawn and before dusk. If you’re outdoors in the middle of the day, find some shade or try to put the sun behind your kids to get glowy, backlit images. If indoor activities are keeping you under a roof, scoot the happenings next to a big window.
You know your kids better than anyone. You know their moods. You know their reactions. If you’re wanting photos with a certain feel, vibe or emotion, think about what gets your kids going, set it up and then anticipate the moments. Or, just let them be and anticipate the moments from there. Whichever way you do it, just being aware of what they’re up to will help you get those beautiful images, so you’re already partway there!
Today’s guest post is by Becky Morquecho,
Limelife Photography
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Modern Day Moms
Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.
Zoe Alexander
12 years agoSome excellent tips! It’s true, better to not stage and just snap when they are less aware of your presence with the camera! Mind you if you have a super inquisitive diva of a daughter like mine who just has to see each shot afterwards before permitting another snap, it’s altogether a different affair!
Zoe xxx