Everyday Home Moms Motherhood Must Read Parenting

Reasons Why Stay at Home Moms Have the Easiest Job Out There

The concept of a stay at home mom is very interesting. It seems like we have the LIFE to outsiders! (Not saying that being a stay at home mom is not the best job out there, but it is not as easy as one may think). All we do is get the kids fed, ready for school and then we send them off for the day just in time for us moms to get a nice workout in, maybe shop for ourselves and go out to lunch with some friends! Well everyone, PLOT TWIST! The life of a “stay at home” mom (or dad) may seem like the easiest gig out there but little do you know it is filled with basically everything “kids”. My mom was a stay at home mom and I will be the first one to admit growing up I never understood how she filled her days with tasks or how she could possibly be late to pick me up from school when she was home all day doing what exactly? Well, now that I am a mother of my own, and a stay at home mom (not to mention working on a masters program), I realize all she did throughout her day just to hold up the fort!

Moms are busy, to say the least. We wake up before our children are awake, start making breakfast for our children, lunch for school, and then we have to wake them up, get them fed and dressed then off to school. In between the toddler meltdowns and messes made, we are finally able to get our kids out of the house. By the time we finally drop them off, we may be able to squeeze a little “me” time in. This is where the day starts to become a little more challenging. We can either go home and sleep, workout, shower, or grocery shop and pick up school supplies. Whichever we chose first does not really matter because we have to get it all done either way. We may think we have our day totally planned out, but for this to happen we would need for everything to go out as planned.

Right before a workout, we may find out that our kids forgot a book they needed for class or homework they left on the printer. So, what do us moms do? We drop everything we may have had planned to make sure our kids have what they need for their day at school. Being a stay at home mom is a very interesting concept. Not only are our kid’s number one on our list but we also try and remember that a little bit of “me” time is necessary to properly function. After we try and figure out what that “me time” may consist of, we need to get back home to throw in a load of laundry and somehow get all of our running around done by the time we need to have kids. Many of us still have a baby or toddler in the house and this only makes the tasks all the more difficult.

Let’s talk for a second about how a stay at home mom’s job is equivalent to a full-time job office job (possibly even more). Imagine trying to do an everyday task with a baby or toddler attached to you. It should be something that is impossible to handle with a baby attached at our hip or pushing a stroller around while shopping, but somehow we manage to make it more than possible. Let me list all the things us “Super Moms” can fit into one day while the kids are in school and while having a toddler or baby following us around.

8 Reasons why a Stay at Home Mom is the Easiest Job Around:

The average shower

There is nothing like taking a peaceful shower by yourself to get your day started, or taking a candlelight bath after a long day with the kids. Well newsflash, after you have kids showers will NEVER be the same. Those 20-minute showers to start your day soon become 5 to 10 minutes long, just enough time to possibly get your hair wet. Kids running in and out of the bathroom or attempting to take a shower while the baby is asleep (in between trying to situate the house). When my son was younger, my personal shower- my 5 to 10 minutes turned into me trying to keep my son out of the shower. It does get better but man oh man that phrase never seems to end and quite frankly, I do not think it ends until we send the kids off to school. I am not saying that I necessarily want to be taking 20-minute showers anymore, but I do wish I could shower without a toddler banging and screaming at the door for me. DADS: that is where you come in, give us mama’s a second to ourselves and take the kiddos outside so we can have a little quiet time.



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