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Skin Treatments to Keep Your Youthful Glow

It is a fact of life. As you age, so does your skin. The wrinkles start to show, age spots and discoloration surface and in some cases, acne comes back in full force. When there are so many outside factors that contribute to the decline of our skin (and not always enough time to take care of it), it can quickly affect your self-confidence.

Luckily though, there are products or cosmetic treatments available that help combat the signs of ageing skin. Whether you are looking for a quick fix or a long-term solution, there is something out there for you. So here are a few top treatments to try on your skin to bring back its youthful glow.

Creams with Retinol
Retinol is derived from Vitamin A and is a widely used ingredient in skin care treatments. There are many benefits from retinol that your skin will be so happy to try. One advantage is its work against wrinkles. It helps replenish the skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

Face creams with retinol are also suitable for acne-prone skin. It unclogs and shrinks pores by exfoliating the skin. Not only that, it attacks the bacteria that is the culprit of pimples.

Retinol is usually common skin treatments as it has fewer side effects compared to other ingredients like tretinoin. Many find that retinol creams provide the same benefits without the harsh side effects.

Laser Skin Resurfacing
This type of treatment is not one you can do just anywhere. Laser skin resurfacing is a technique that targets wrinkles and skin issues like scars and blemishes. The procedure involves a pulsating beam of light that removes layers of the skin. The purpose is to remove the damaged skin cells.
Various laser or light-based devices are used, each offering different benefits. According to board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jordan P. Farkas, an expert in this field, “certain devices allow practitioners to adjust wavelength, power, spot size, pulse width, and cooling.” This makes it possible to more precisely address specific skin concerns.

People with wrinkles around the mouth, eyes and forehead, or small acne scars are considered good candidates for this treatment. However, if you have quite dark skin or wanting to use this procedure for stretch marks, it may not be as beneficial.

Cosmetic Surgery
If you have tried creams, Botox, injections or anything else you can think of and nothing has worked, cosmetic surgery may be the next answer. Now depending on what you are looking for or how drastic of a fix you want, there are multiple different options available.

Facelifts offer patients a tighter look of the skin, which helps reduce wrinkles and fine lines. The purpose of cosmetic surgery is to almost permanently reverse the signs of ageing or damaged skin, rather than a temporary fix other options provide.

Prevent As Much As You Can
Even if you already have some form of damage to your skin, it is never too late to start preventing any more damage. Wearing sunscreen during the day helps protect your skin from the rays of the sun. Keep moisturizing your skin and drinking water to stay hydrated. As always, regular exercise and a healthy diet are great for keeping your skin glowing.

No matter which option you go for to help your skin out, talk to your doctor or dermatologist about your options. Especially when cosmetic surgery is involved, have a professional do the work. Make sure you are treating your skin the right way.

Modern Day Moms

Modern Day Moms is an award-winning publication centered around motherhood that is real and unfiltered. Basically, we don't sugarcoat anything and aren't afraid to tell you the truth. Let's be best friends, we will make you feel more normal.



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