Healthy Recipes Snacks Vegetarian

Sun Dried Cherry Tomatoes

Easy-peasy do it yourself, homemade sun dried tomatoes. Honestly, I usually pass up cherry tomatoes way to many times in the grocery store. Not knowing what I’d make with them… Well today that has changed. Sun dried tomatoes are just that extra kind of “special.” They add that special “oomph” to any dish, hummus, eggs, salad, pizza, pasta, or tacos. The list goes on. The best part about making homemade sun dried tomatoes is you can add a lot or a little bit of seasonings, it all really depends on your taste buds.

See video recipe:


  • Several pounds of cherry, pear or grape tomatoes
  • Sea salt
  • Olive oil
  • Cracked black pepper  


Cut the little tomatoes into tiny slices. I usually get 4-5 slices from each


Place them on a cookie sheet or jelly pan. Note: (I used a Silpat to lessen the clean up process later) Separate them so they lay flat on the pan.


Once you cut enough to fill up the pan drizzle olive oil on the top. NOTE ( the amount depends on you, for more of a crispy dried tomato use less olive oil.

Sprinkle with sea salt and ground pepper.


Cook them at 250 for an hour and a half to an hour and 45 minutes. I just check on mine often to make sure they’re OK. Store in an airtight container, in the the fridge. (They also freeze very well and it only takes 4 seconds in the microwave to revive them).


Qivana business owner, entrepreneur, wife, and pet parent of two amazing little doxies. My obsession is health and fitness. And when I not trying to stay fit, I'm looking for new eateries. Yes! Eateries! Cooking and baking is a huge passion of mine. Sweets are my weakness, especially anything chocolate!!



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