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Everyday Health Must Read

Visual Signs of Poor Health That You Probably Ignore But Shouldn’t

You Have an Itchy, Blistering Rash

Rashes are reactions happening in the body. Eat something that you are allergic to, and you might get hives, for example. Some rashes, though, are connected to disease. Having a recurring rash that looks like eczema on the elbows, back, scalp, or knees could actually be a sign of celiac disease, an autoimmune disorder that is triggered by consuming gluten. The body will attack the intestines, causing extreme pain.

25 percent of all individuals afflicted with celiac disease will get this rash—known as dermatitis herpetiformis—and have little to no digestive symptoms.

But why do some people get a rash and nothing else? It’s related to how the body reacts to the gluten. When a person with celiac disease eats gluten, their body will release antibodies that go to attack the substance, but instead those antibodies attack the intestines. Sometimes, that immune response will also trigger a rash. Therefore, if you are getting a suspicious blistering rash, talk to a doctor.

You will have to undergo a small biopsy of the rash to see if it is caused by antibodies. Should that be the case, you will need to switch over to a gluten-free diet. The upside to this is that your new diet will also protect you from long-term intestinal issues, cancer, and osteoporosis.



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