Complete the day with these delicious White Chocolate Truffles with Dried Cranberries. The Extra Virgin Coconut Oil and Organic Coconut Manna enhance the flavors in the truffle recipe.
1 cup Cacao Butter (grated)
2/3 cup Nutiva Organic Coconut Manna
cup Nutiva Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
2 tbsp Vanilla Extract
6 tbsp Maple Syrup
1 cup Dried Cranberries
Put all the ingredients except the cranberries in a food processor and blend until creamy. It will look and tastes like a butter cream cake frosting.
Transfer the coconut mixture to a mixing bowl and stir in the dried cranberries.
Refrigerate for about 15 minutes, or until it becomes a little more solid and you can shape them with your hands into balls. Other option is to spoon it into ice cube trays and freeze for about an hour or overnight.
Whatever shape you decide, either way will be delicious. Store in a quart jar in the refrigerator.
Recipe by Leslie Cerier

Modern Day Moms
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